All posts by Dan Cvrcek

Co-founder of Radical Prime and Enigma Bridge. Indendent consultant on security and encryption systems (incl. large banking, payment, and enterprise systems) ... and a university professor.

First BlackHat, now DEFCON: We talk “Trojan-tolerant hardware security in practice”

I have mentioned this multi-party encryption project of ours (Enigma Bridge) and University College London here earlier. If you’re planning to go to BlackHat US or DEFCON-25, come and see our talks about practical “ultra-secure” multi-party encryption for the cloud and some of the technology enabling it (Unchaining the JavaCard Ecosystem).

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KeyChest – FREE plan and track for 100% HTTPS uptime

We have been using Letsencrypt certificates for a year now. As it is free, we have been constantly increasing the number of services using it. I personally like the three months validity as it makes renewals a “business as usual” task, rather than incidents. But it doesn’t happen through magic.

Continue reading KeyChest – FREE plan and track for 100% HTTPS uptime