“Encryption is a key technology that underpins trustworthy computing. As digital technologies become ever more central to our lives, encryption becomes more important, and any weaknesses in its implementation become greater risks. Governments must commit to preserving the robustness of end- to-end encryption, and promoting its widespread use.”
Continue reading “Progress and research in cybersecurity” by The Royal Society →
A month ago, we decided to launch EnigmaLink – our file-sharing application on ProductHunt. Neither of us used ProductHunt before, but I found a friend who could do the submission. I thought it would be straightforward.
Continue reading How we screwed-up ProductHunt launch →
Dusan, one of us @EnigmaBridge was curious about how are default WiFi router passwords generated and very quickly came up with an algorithm producing right passwords. And this “bootstrapping” problem is much bigger …
Continue reading Hacking WiFi passwords – a randomness problem →
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." A. C. Clark