I have come across Troy Hunt’s article yesterday about getting an EV certificate. His initial assumption is that EV certificate actually proves something, unlike many other seals of “security”. But is it really worth spending $80+/year?
Continue reading EV Certificates – Value for Money? Incl. Troy Hunt Q&A →
I love cryptography. It’s an abstract science, where I can define a problem, come up with a solution and prove it (eventually). I also like applying cryptography as it involves real world (users, limitations of computers, …), which messes everything up and turns pure mathematics into a fun game. Continue reading Transaction Security with Slow Clock and Counter – How to Conjure Up Entropy →
Many companies drive their computer systems without wearing seatbelts, even though they know and constantly witness they risk being injured by cyber crashes. There are simple economic reasons for this. It is not the unavailability of cyber “seat belts”, but the difficulty of putting them in. Enigma Bridge technology gives customers self-driving cyber-security for safe navigation through the cyberspace and protection of its payload.
Continue reading Self-driving Cyber Security – Step 1: Professional PKI →
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." A. C. Clark