Category Archives: UCL

Enigma Bridge encryption gets recognition – DEFCON, BlackHat, and ACM CCS

We have had a busy Summer so far. We introduced a new service for SSL certificate monitoring (, presented at Black Hat USA, and gave a talk at DEFCON. The latest news was recognition of our cryptographic platform by reviewers of the ACM CCS conference. Continue reading Enigma Bridge encryption gets recognition – DEFCON, BlackHat, and ACM CCS

As secure as rock, paper, scissors at once – Art of Defence, Demo at DEFCON

A team of great people from the Security Group at UCL and our start-up Enigma Bridge designed and implemented a practical security system tolerant to severe attacks compromising all parts of the supply chain. We will present and demonstrate it at DEFCON in Las Vegas.

Continue reading As secure as rock, paper, scissors at once – Art of Defence, Demo at DEFCON

First BlackHat, now DEFCON: We talk “Trojan-tolerant hardware security in practice”

I have mentioned this multi-party encryption project of ours (Enigma Bridge) and University College London here earlier. If you’re planning to go to BlackHat US or DEFCON-25, come and see our talks about practical “ultra-secure” multi-party encryption for the cloud and some of the technology enabling it (Unchaining the JavaCard Ecosystem).

Continue reading First BlackHat, now DEFCON: We talk “Trojan-tolerant hardware security in practice”